Sometimes we all need a little help...
completing your paperwork
Looking for Online Wedding Proxy Perfection?
The Team at Wedding Proxy is Here To Help!
Thank you for choosing 406 Proxy as your double wedding proxy service provider. This instruction info will help you successfully complete the forms ensuring a timely, legal, online wedding.

Read the Instructions
Or watch the attached video

Complete the Forms
Dot every "i", cross every "t"

Get Married!
Start enjoying marriage benefits!
Should you have any questions or concerns, please call to speak with a team member at (406) 717-5858 (Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm Mtn) or use the chat feature located on the bottom of any page of Wedding Proxy.
A: Choose Your Proxy Marriage Package: Choose the online wedding package which best suits your needs. You and your fiance simply choose the online wedding package right for you. Choices include DIY notary, or free notary, or free notary and Apostille Certificate, etc.
B: Proxy Marriage Affidavit. If you’ve chosen a Silver or Gold wedding package you will be using our online notary service at zero cost to you. To officiate the marriage application, both parties must complete an individual Power of Attorney form. This form must be notarized>.
Depending on the proxy marriage package you’ve chosen will depend on how to get the notary completed. If you choose any “Bronze” package you’ll need your own notary which can be found at your bank, bail bondsman, attorney’s office, UPS store or base JAG. Once the affidavit is signed you’ll be in direct contact with a team member.
C: WeddingProxy notaries need proof of your identity to process your Power of Attorney affadavit:
- Your identification if a Montana Resident: Proof of identity is any state or federal government issued I.D. (passport, driver license, state I.D., Inmate I.D.etc).
- Your identification if Active Duty Military: 406 Proxy, LLC needs a copy of your military I.D. (front and back). If you are unable to or uncomfortable with sending us this form of I.D. you are welcome to email a copy of your civilian driver license (front and back) and a copy of your orders (please block out your SSN and DoD information).
D: Marriage License Questionnaire: Once you complete your payment you’ll be sent a link to our Online Marriage Questionnaire form. Information from this secure form form is used to complete your marriage application.
- All questions must be answered. If you are unable to answer a question, example: your father’s name, please annotate in that area: “UNKNOWN”. Please send an email explaining the reason for “UNKNOWN” to: details@weddingproxy.com
- Most people from other countries will not have a U.S. Social Security number. If you do not have an SSN, please annotate in this field “NA”
- Complete MIDDLE names must be annotated. If you or your parent has no middle name please write “NMN” in that area.
- If you do not know who your parent(s) are (example: adoption), then simply place “UNKNOWN” in the parent fields.
- If your last name is not the same name as your father or mother’s maiden name please explain in an email to: details@weddingproxy.com prior to completing the form.
- You cannot use an APO address for the application. If you don’t have a current physical address please use your fiance, parent, sibling, friend or other relative address.
NOTE: Nothing is kept online. Once info is submitted, you’ll receive a PDF copy via your email. Any and all information is immediately scrubbed, so if you’ve made a mistake on the form, you may need a do-over.