How do you get married by double proxy for U.S. immigration? If you’re stationed outside of the United States and looking to get married by proxy in Montana, then consider using a double proxy marriage company.
Double proxy marriage for immigration purposes is legal in the great state of Montana. The marriage certificate you receive (along with an Apostille Certificate) is recognized by every U.S. embassy in the world.
What is a double proxy marriage?
A double proxy marriage is a type of marriage where neither party is physically present for the ceremony. Instead, each person appoints a proxy—usually a close friend or family member—to stand in for them. Double proxy marriages are relatively rare, but they do occur from time to time, usually when one or both parties are unable to attend the ceremony for reasons beyond their control (e.g., military deployment).
In most cases, double proxy marriages are perfectly legal and recognized as valid by the state of Montana (in which they’re performed). However, there have been some instances where such marriages have been challenged on the grounds that they violate public policy or otherwise fail to meet the requirements for a valid marriage under state law of home record. So you should check with your state of record, county clerk office.
Validity of Marriage for Immigration Purposes
The applicant must establish validity of his or her marriage. In general, the legal validity of a marriage is determined by the law of the place where the marriage was celebrated (“place-of-celebration rule”). Under this rule, a marriage is valid for immigration purposes in cases where the marriage is valid under the law of the jurisdiction in which it is performed.
In all cases, the burden is on the applicant to establish that he or she has a valid marriage with his or her U.S. citizen spouse for the required period of time. [2] In most cases, a marriage certificate is prima facie evidence that the marriage was properly and legally performed.
One notable example of a double proxy marriage that was later invalidated occurred in Montana in 2008. In that case, two U.S. citizens living in different states arranged to be married via an online service that connected them with someone who could perform the ceremony in Montana (a state where double proxy marriages are allowed). The problem arose when it was discovered that the person who officiated the ceremony was not actually authorized to do so under Montana law. As a result, the couple’s marriage was later annulled by a judge.
How do you get married by double proxy for immigration?
Double proxy marriages are more common now than ever before. One common scenario is when one or both parties are in the military and can’t be present for the wedding. Another common scenario is when one or both parties are a Montana resident and unable to attend the marriage ceremony due to immigration issues.
There are a few different ways to go about arranging a double proxy marriage. One option is to find someone who is willing to act as a stand-in for you at the ceremony. This person would need to be authorized to sign legal documents on your behalf; this is termed “single proxy marriage”. Another option is to get married by proxy over the internet. There are few companies like WeddingProxy that offer this service. Once you decide on the wedding package you’ll fill out an application and pay a fee. Wedding Proxy will then stand in for you and take care of all of the legalities involved in getting a marriage certificate.
If you’re considering getting married by double proxy, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that it’s legal in your state or country before proceeding. Second, consider whether or not it’s something that you’re truly comfortable with. Keep in mind that although it may be convenient, there’s something special about being present for your own wedding day.
What are the requirements for a double proxy marriage?
In order to be married by proxy, both parties must submit marriage applications to the county court which has authority and jurisdiction over marriage law.
The application must include proof that both parties are of legal age to marry and that they are not already married. It must also include a power of attorney form (that is notarized) from each party authorizing their proxy to marry them. Once the application is approved, the proxies will exchange marital vows on behalf of the absent parties. The marriage will then be legally binding. This takes less than 3 hours at most.
There are a few reasons why someone might choose to have a double proxy marriage. One reason is if one or both partners are unable to attend the wedding ceremony due to work commitments or other obligations. Another reason is if one or both partners live in different countries and it would be difficult for them to travel to one location for the wedding. Double proxy marriages can also be useful for couples who want to get married quickly and do not have time to plan a traditional wedding ceremony.
It should be noted that not all countries recognize double proxy marriages. For example, Australia does not recognize proxy marriages entered into overseas. This means that if you have a double proxy marriage in another country, it will not be recognized as valid in Australia.
How does a double proxy marriage work in the military?
A double proxy marriage is a marriage where each party is represented by someone else. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but often happens when one or both parties are unable to be physically present for the wedding. Double proxy marriages are legal in some states in the US, including Montana. Often, these marriages are conducted online
There are a few different ways that a double proxy marriage can work. In some cases, both parties will find someone to stand in for them and then those two people will get married on their behalf. In other cases, one party may be able to attend the wedding in person while the other party has someone stand in for them (which is simply called “proxy marriage”).
There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering getting married via double proxy. You’ll need to hire a company such as WeddingProxy that officially act as proxies during your online wedding ceremony. You’ll also need to make sure that everyone involved understands what they’re doing and is comfortable with it. Finally, be prepared for things to potentially go wrong – even with the best planning, there’s always a chance that something could go wrong when two people are standing in for another couple.
What are the benefits of a double proxy marriage?
A double proxy marriage is a type of marriage where each party is represented by someone else. This can be useful for couples who live in different countries and want to get married without having to travel, or for couples who have difficulty getting a traditional marriage license. Double proxy marriages are also sometimes used as a way to bypass immigration law.
There are a few benefits of getting a double proxy marriage. First, it can be more convenient than a traditional wedding, since the couple does not have to be in the same place at the same time. Second, it can be less expensive than a traditional wedding, since there is no need to pay for travel expenses or a venue. Finally, it can be used as a way to bypass certain immigration laws. For example, if one person is not eligible to get a green card through traditional means, they may be able to do so by getting married via double proxy.
Of course, there are also some drawbacks to consider before entering into a double proxy marriage. First and foremost, it is important to make sure that both parties trust the people they are appointing as their proxies. If either party has any doubts about the other person’s sincerity or intentions, it is probably best not to go ahead with the marriage. Additionally, because double proxy marriages are not as common as traditional marriages, it can be difficult to find someone willing and able to act as your proxy. Finally, you should make sure that you understand all of the legal implications of getting married via double proxy before going ahead with this type of arrangement.
What are the drawbacks of a double proxy marriage?
When two people enter into a double proxy marriage, they are essentially getting married without ever meeting or speaking to each other. This may seem like a romantic gesture, but there are actually some drawbacks to this type of arrangement.
For one, a double proxy marriage can be quite expensive. Because both parties need to hire an attorney and pay for the cost of shipping documents back-and-forth, the overall cost of the marriage can add up quickly. Additionally, there is always the possibility that something could go wrong with the paperwork and one or both parties could end up being unable to get married. That is where WeddingProxy comes in to save the most money. Most of our online wedding packages start at $600!
Another potential drawback of a double proxy marriage is that it can be difficult to build a strong relationship when you’ve never even met in person. While you may be able to communicate online or by phone, it’s not the same as being able to spend time together in person. This can make it challenging to get to know each other and develop a strong bond.
Ultimately, whether or not a double proxy marriage is right for you is something only you can decide. If you’re willing to take on the challenges that come with this type of arrangement, then it could be a unique and memorable way to tie the knot.

How to have a double proxy wedding in Montana?
A double proxy wedding is a type of marriage where each person is represented by someone else. In most cases, one person is unable to be present for the wedding ceremony, so they appoint someone else to stand in for them. Double proxy weddings are often used in situations where immigration law prevents one of the parties from attending the ceremony in person. In these cases, both parties must submit an affidavit authorizing their proxies to marry them.
There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re planning a double proxy wedding in Montana. First, you’ll need to find two people who are willing to stand in as your proxies. These people must be over the age of 18 and must be residents of Montana. You’ll also need to obtain an officiant for your ceremony, which can be done through the Montana Secretary of State’s office. Finally, you’ll need to make sure that all required legal documents are properly completed and filed with the state prior to your ceremony.
Double proxy weddings are relatively simple affairs, but there are a few things that you’ll need to take care of ahead of time in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly on your big day. With a little bit of planning, though, you can easily tie the knot from the comfort of your own home – no matter where in the world your spouse may be!
While double proxy marriages may not be right for everyone, they can be a viable option for couples who are unable to marry in person due to extenuating circumstances beyond their control.
What are the immigration laws regarding proxy marriages?
The U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services follows immigration and naturalization laws when it comes to marriage. Being that immigration laws regarding proxy marriages are complex and ever-changing. Currently, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) does not recognize proxy marriages for immigration purposes. This means that if you get married by proxy, your spouse will not be automatically eligible for a green card or other immigration benefits.
However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If you get married by proxy in Montana, your spouse may be eligible for a green card through a process called “Montana double proxy wedding.” This exception is based on a specific provision in Montana law that allows non-residents to get married by proxy if both parties consent and sign an affidavit attesting to their relationship.
It’s important to note that even if your spouse is eligible for a green card through the Montana double proxy wedding exception, USCIS still has discretion to deny the application. USCIS officers have denied applications for green cards based on proxy marriages, even when all of the requirements were met.
If you’re considering getting married by proxy, it’s important to consult with an experienced immigration attorney before proceeding. An immigration attorney can help you navigate the complex laws and regulations surrounding marriage to a US citizen and make sure that you understand all of the paperwork and costs involved.
Considering an online marriage? Are you a Montana resident abroad or stationed in the Army, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard or Navy overseas or CONUS? WeddingProxy offers the most affordable and convenient way to get married online via double proxy. The online wedding service is easy to use and you can be married in less than 3 hours. Our experienced wedding officiants are here to help make your online wedding a reality.